۱۳۸۹ مرداد ۲۷, چهارشنبه

تير عشق – 26/5/1389

اي معني جلوه هاي هستي
اي داده مرا تو عشق و مستي

من را تو زده به تير عشقت
زخم دل من به عشق بستي

با تير  زدي  به  عمق  قلبم
احسنت به تو، چه ضرب شستي

من زنده شدم به تير عشقت
اين است دواي تندرستي

گفتم كه بزن تو  تير ديگر
تو بر سر من كشيده دستي

گفتي كه: برو  ز  غم  رها  شو
زين پس تو ز درد و ناله رستي

گفتم كه بزن به  تير عشقت
بر خواهش نفس و خود پرستي

گفتي كه  تو نفس خود رها كن
بي چون و چرا  به  قعر  پستي

وانگه به دو دست خويش جامي
پر كن  تو  ز  باده ي  الستي

۷ نظر:

  1. Your poem comes from your heart and sits in my heart. MT

    The following one is also interesting

    I Cannot Live With You from Emily Dickinson.

    I cannot live with You--
    It would be Life--
    And Life is over there--
    Behind the Shelf

    The Sexton keeps the Key to--
    Putting up
    Our Life--His Porcelain--
    Like a Cup--

    Discarded of the Housewife--
    Quaint--or Broke--
    A newer Sevres pleases--
    Old Ones crack--

    I could not die--with You--
    For One must wait
    To shut the Other's Gaze down--
    You--could not--

    And I--could I stand by
    And see You--freeze--
    Without my Right of Frost--
    Death's privilege?

    Nor could I rise--with You--
    Because Your Face
    Would put out Jesus'--
    That New Grace

    Glow plain--and foreign
    On my homesick Eye--
    Except that You than He
    Shone closer by--

    They'd judge Us--How--
    For You--served Heaven--You know,
    Or sought to--
    I could not--

    Because You saturated Sight--
    And I had no more Eyes
    For sordid excellence
    As Paradise

    And were You lost, I would be--
    Though My Name
    Rang loudest
    On the Heavenly fame--

    And were You--saved--
    And I--condemned to be
    Where You were not--
    That self--were Hell to Me--

    So We must meet apart--
    You there--I--here--
    With just the Door ajar
    That Oceans are--and Prayer--
    And that White Sustenance--

  2. ایکاش همه مثل شما فکر می کردند.

  3. I was just thinking what the world would be, if only everyone could see the world through their hearts.

  4. Salaam my profound friend -

    Thanks a billion for this wonderful piece. It is a very delicate touch of the healing and killing, or remedy through pain!
    You show, in your meticulous choice of the opposites, how wandering turns out to be residing.

    The 'arrow' motif is very deep in this poem.

    Thanks for sharing this. Please continue doing so.


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