۱۳۸۹ مهر ۲۶, دوشنبه

قديم و جديد – 26/7/1389 – ترجمه شعر تاگور

به دوستاني
كه نمي شناختم
شناساندي مرا

در سراهايي
كه از آن من نبودند
ماوا دادي مرا

نزديك آوردي دور را
و برادر ساختي بيگانه را

در اضطراب است قلب من
در هنگام ترك آشيانه ي مالوف

از خاطرم رفته است
كه قديم در جديد سكني مي گزيند
و تو نيز در آنجا سكني گزيده اي

در حيات
يا ممات
يا دار باقي
هدايت كني مرا به هر سو
پس آن كه هدايت مي كند تويي
اي يگانه همدم حيات بي پايان من
اي آنكه بسته اي
با زنجيرهاي شادي
قلب مرا
به آن چه نمي شناسمش

آن كس كه تو را شناخت
پس ديگر بيگانه نمي نشاسد
پس ديگر بسته نيست دري به روي او

اجابت كن دعاي مرا
كه هرگز در نبازم
شادماني تماس آن يگانه را
به بهاي شادماني كثيري از ديگران
Old and New
Thou hast made me known to friends whom I knew not.
Thou hast given me seats in homes not my own.
Thou hast brought the distant near and made a brother of the stranger.
I am uneasy at heart when I have to leave my accustomed shelter;
I forget that there abides the old in the new,
and that there also thou abidest.
Through birth and death, in this world or in others,
wherever thou leadest me it is thou, the same,
the one companion of my endless life
who ever linkest my heart with bonds of joy to the unfamiliar.
When one knows thee, then alien there is none, then no door is shut.
Oh, grant me my prayer that I may never lose
the bliss of the touch of the one
in the play of many.

۳ نظر:

  1. As I was struggling translating a piece of literature from English to Farsi, I thought to myself, how does he do it? Then I realized that is a natural God-given talent. Keep up the good work.

  2. Translating a poem is a lot like writing a poem yourself. Translating has its own glories. Putting poems into another language is one of the best ways to share culture, honor poets, and remind us that we can transcend geography. You did a great job and thanks for taking us to different areas. MT

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