۱۳۸۹ آبان ۲, یکشنبه

سكوت آب – 1/8/1389 - ترجمه شعر تاگور

ماهيان در آب خامو شند
و جانوران  بر زمين پرخروشند
و مرغان ترانه خوان در هوا در جنب و جوشند  
اما آدمي در وجود خود جمع دارد
خاموشي دريا را
و خروش صحرا را
و مو سيقي هوا را

معني وجود ما
نيست جدايي از خالق
و نيست جدايي از خلق
معني وجود ما
شناسايي است
شناسايي واحد
و شناسايي وحدت
در لحظه لحظه زندگي

 مردمان روزگار ما
مشتاق ترند به انباشت
تا به شناخت

The water is silent
Rabindranath Tagore

The fish in the water is silent,
the animals on the earth is noisy,
the bird in the air is singing.
But man has in him the silence of the sea,
the noise of the earth
and the music of the air.

The meaning of our self
is not to be found in its separateness from God and others,
but in the ceaseless realisation of yoga,
of union.

 The newer people,
of this modern age,
are more eager to amass than
to realize.

۴ نظر:

  1. Sooooooooo true. I wish we could focus more on the realization part.

  2. Salaam -

    Charming work and excellent job! Very well done, sir. Your

    You show how imagination is not equivalent to consciousness. A direct knowledge of reality is not possible unless Vahid goes deeply and digs deeper what his poet friend and translator is talking about. Reality cannot be exempted from the work you are doing with words.

    Wallace Stevens, one of my favorites, says, "Everything is complicated; if that were not so, life and poetry and everything else would be a bore."

  3. What an excellent choice of vocabulary. It is music of words. You have the ability to write smoothly and coherently. As well as clarify the subject while you are faithful to the meaning. Your translation has a same effect in the target language as it is in the source. One poem behind another poem. MT

  4. سلام بر سعدي زمان
    شعر بسيار زيبا و واقع گرايانه شروع و به همين صورت پايان گرفت.
    واقعيت انسان را به گونه اي بيان كرد كه عرق شرم بر جبين آدمي مينشيند ، كه ، واقعيت ترسناك و ناراحت كننده است.
    ترجمه وزين شما لاجرم بر دل مينشيند و انسان را به فكر فروميبرد ، و در اين زمان دلمان براي اشعار سنگبن ، لطيف و نافذ شما تنگ ميشود .
    اشعار شما خود دنيايي بي مانند است. اميدوارم ذوق و حوصله تان براي شعر گفتن باز گردد.
    حق يار و ياورتان باد.


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